JTDL: 11th Cir. rules against blind web users; New fed. crime data + New jobs
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that websites are not public accommodations, unless they create an intangible barrier that excludes disabled people from accessing goods and services in a physical store. (ABA Journal)
How the criminal justice system deploys mass surveillance on innocent people. (Vice) Your smart home is watching and sharing your data with the police. (Guardian) How America's surveillance networks helped the FBI catch the Capitol mob. (Washington Post)
Law enforcement employees have been running thousands of searches through face recognition software Clearview AI, often without the knowledge of the public or the department. (Buzzfeed) This includes the NYPD, which misled the public about its use of Clearview. (BuzzFeed)
Broward County, Florida is considering a facial recognition system to “identify criminals.” (Florida Insider) (h/t Rebecca Williams) Weak privacy, weak procurement: The state of facial recognition in Canada. (Centre for Media, Tech & Democracy)
Maine should defund its local intelligence fusion center. (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
US immigration and border police have been grabbing data from companies that track millions of cars. (Forbes)
While the Feds try to get rid of consumer encryption, US Customs and Border Protection paid $700,000 to use encrypted app Wickr. (Vice)
A national forensics board suspends the DC crime lab's accreditation, halting analysis of crime evidence. (Washington Post)
How the US Supreme Court saved the software industry from API copyrights. (Ars Technica)
A report on virtual court proceedings in North Carolina. (UNC) (h/t Andrew Davies)
AI datasets are filled with errors, and it's warping what we know about AI. (MIT Technology Review) “Coded Bias” is the most important film about AI you can watch today. (Vice)
Defining “technology-facilitated abuse”. (National Institute of Justice)
The Feds released criminal justice stats for 2017-18. (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
The Fastcase 50 is open for nominations. (Fastcase)
[Virtual] Fast Forward Academy has numerous free classes taught by tech nonprofit leaders, ends April 21. (FFA) (h/t Summer Kennedy)
[Virtual] The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism is hosting The Future Is Now: Legal Services conference, April 27-29. (ISC) (h/t Penelope Bremner)
[Virtual] Data Justice Lab is hosting a conference on civic participation in datafied society, May 20-21. (DJL)
[Virtual] University of Michigan is putting on a webinar series on science, technology , and the carceral state. (UM) (h/t Melvin Washington)
[Virtual] NYU’s Institute for Public Interest Technology is putting on a two-week conference for scholars, late June. (NYU)
Jobs & Opportunities
18F, the federal government’s in-house tech shop, is hiring. (18F)
The Africa Digital Policy Institute is accepting fellow applications. (ADPI)
Center for Democracy and Technology has multiple positions. (CDT) (h/t Alex Givens)
Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation is recruiting a new chair and board members. (CDEI) (h/t Sarah Darrall)
Data & Society needs a research analyst. (D+S)
[New] The Echoing Green fellowship is open for applicants. (EG)
Empact Solutions needs a youth justice data storyteller. (ES) (h/t Jason Melchi)
[New] EPIC has a call for papers on AI, equity, and trust. (EPIC) (h/t Ben Winters)
The European AI Fund needs a program officer. (EAIF)
Florida’s 18th Judicial Circuit Court needs an senior info systems consultant. (F18) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
Fast Forward Accelerator is accepting applications. (FFA) (h/t Summer Kennedy)
Future of Privacy Forum is hiring a law and policy fellow. (FPF)
The Future Society has multiple openings. (FS)
Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center needs a program Manager for AI policy practice. (BKC)
JustFix.nyc is looking to fill a marketing role. (JF)
Just Tech has numerous openings. (JT) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
[New] Kids In Need of Defense needs a data manager. (KIND) (h/t Sarah Lilly)
Kleros, an online dispute resolution platform, needs a blockchain and law researcher. (K) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
Measures for Justice has multiple positions open. (M4J)
North Carolina’s Indigent Defense Services needs a research associate. (IDS)
The Oklahoma Policy Institute needs a justice data analyst. (OPI)
The Partnership on AI is hiring for multiple positions. (PAI) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Pennsylvania State University is looking for law, policy and engineering. (PSU) (h/t Sandra Allain)
PEW needs an associate for its civil legal system modernization work. (PEW) (h/t Joyce Raby)
The Philly District Attorney's Office is looking to fill a number of roles, including for a data scientist. (PDAO)
The Policing Project at NYU has multiple positions open. (PP)
ProBonoNet needs a product manager. (PBN)
Queen’s University Belfast needs a lecturer in law and innovation. (QUB) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
SimpleCitizen, an immigration tech company, has engineering, product and sales roles. (SC) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Singapore’s Management University needs a research assistant. (SMU) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
Technical University of Munich is hiring an NLP researcher (PhD student or post doc). (TUM) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
[New] Texas RioGrande Legal Aid needs an analytics and research manager. (TRLA) (h/t & congrats Lizzie Shackney)
Theory and Principle, a legal software development boutique, needs a client executive and a PM. (T&P)
University of Arizona’s Innovation 4 Justice program has a post doc. (I4J) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
UC Berkeley’s Algorithmic Fairness and Opacity Group has a public interest technology postdoc. (UCB) (h/t Zoe Kahn)
University of Luxembourg is looking for a doctoral researcher in AI regulation. (UL) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
Upsolve, the bankruptcy platform, is hiring for multiple roles. (Up)
Utrecht University needs a prof in law and technology. (UU) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
The Vera Institute of Justice has numerous open positions, including director of tech advancement. (VIJ) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Vreij Universiteit Brussels needs a lecturer in law and tech. (VUB) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)