JTDL: 1/3 of US has no eviction data; a win for software transparency + New jobs
One-third of US counties don’t collect eviction data. (New York Times) (h/t Erika Rickard) How the president could fix the justice system by improving its data collection. (Appeal)
A New Jersey appellate court ruled that access to source code is required to assess reliability of probabilistic genotyping software. (New Jersey Courts)
The Trump DOJ snuck in one last effort to push junk science in court. (Slate)
Criminal defense attorneys and the avalanche of digital evidence. (SSRN) (h/t Andy Davies)
Houston police chief blamed encryption for the failure to uncover far-right cops. (Reason) How the LAPD and Palantir use data to justify racist policing. (Intercept) A taxonomy of police technology’s racial inequity problems. (Illinois Law Review)
In Baltimore, data transparency tool Project Comport showed that 20% of police received complaints last year. (Appeal) The city also terminated funding for that police spyplane. (WYPR)
When politicization stops algorithm adoption in criminal justice. (Oxford) (h/t Andy Davies) What algorithm auditing startups need to succeed. (VentureBeat)
Amazon says government demands for user data spiked by 800% in 2020. (TechCrunch) Amazon Ring now reportedly partners with more than 2,000 US police and fire departments. (Verge) Ring is now end-to-end encrypted, what does that mean? (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
Police say they can use facial recognition, despite locals bans. (Markup) How normal people deployed facial recognition on Capitol Hill protesters. (VICE)
A survey of facial recognition databases found they are shaped by changes in political motivations, technological capability, and current norms. (arXiv) How to know if your face is in a facial recognition database. (New York Times)
A new report lays out local surveillance oversight ordinances. (Berkeley Law)
The fight over randomized controlled trials in justice systems. (Law360)
The University of Pittsburgh will try to use AI to improve access-to-justice. (National Science Foundation) UCLA wins $3.65 million grant to build “Age of Mass Incarceration” archive with LAPD records. (LA Times)
Russian hack brings changes and uncertainty to the federal court system. (Associated Press)
Judges hear arguments over a Maryland law barring broadcast of audio from court hearings. (Washington Post) (h/t Emma Simpson)
Appellate judges reflect on virtual arguments. (Law360)
A new executive order creates chief science officers at federal agencies. (Nextgov)
Tracking state-level AI legislation. (National Conference of State Legislatures) (h/t Irina Raicu)
Systems and symptoms in public services. (Belfer Center)
Jobs & Opportunities
18F, the federal government’s in-house tech shop, is hiring. (18F)
[New] A2J Tech needs a product manager. (A2JT)
The ACLU needs a technology fellow to look at tech that impacts civil rights. (ACLU) (h/t Irene Mo)
Aspen Tech Policy Hub needs a design and communications intern. (Aspen)
Access to Justice Tech Fellows has 20 fellowships to fill. (ATJ) (h/t David Gray)
The Baltimore Digital Equity Coalition needs a coalition director. (BDEC) (h/t Emma Simpson).
Callisto needs a senior dev. (C)
The Center for Policing Equity needs a data analyst and full stack engineer. (CPE) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Charles Koch Institute is accepting applications for the emerging tech policy leaders program. (CKI)
[New] Code for America needs a senior quantitative criminal justice researcher. (CfA)
DataKind is looking for an executive director (DK) and director of volunteers. (DK) (h/t Elizabeth Grossman)
DC’s Criminal Code Reform Commission needs a social scientist. (CCRC)
Duke’s Center for Science and Justice is accepting applications for an associate director (DCSJ). They are also looking for fellows. (DCSJ) (h/t Keith Porcaro)
The Federal Communications Law Journal is taking article submissions. (FCLJ) (h/t Allie Pisula)
[New] Georgetown Law’s Center on Privacy & Technology is looking for a summer fellow. (CPT)
Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center needs a program Manager for AI policy practice. (BKC)
Harvard Law’s Cyberlaw Clinic is looking for a summer intern. (CC)
Harvard Law’s Journal of Law and Technology is accepting articles. (JOLT)
JustFix.nyc is looking to fill multiple roles. (JF)
Just Tech has numerous openings. (JT) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
Measures for Justice has multiple positions open. (M4J)
National Center for State Courts needs a senior associate researcher. (NCSC)
The Oklahoma Policy Institute needs a justice data analyst. (OPI)
Paladin needs a product manager (P) and full stack engineer. (P)
The Partnership on AI is hiring for multiple positions. (PAI) (h/t Eleni Manis)
[New] The Philly District Attorney's Office is looking to fill a number of roles, including for a data scientist. (PDAO)
[New] Recidiviz has a number of openings. (R)
The Responsible Business Initiative for Justice is looking for a Campaign Manager and a Director of Operations (RBIJ) (h/t Silas Horst)
SimpleCitizen, an immigration tech company, has engineering, product and sales roles. (SC) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Swansea University has fully funded PhDs for those focused on human interactions with AI. (SU)
Theory and Principle, a legal software development boutique, needs a PM. (T&P)
University of Virginia is looking for an assistant professor in responsible data science. (UVA)
[New] SafeLab at the Columbia School of Social Work is accepting UX fellowship applications. (UXR)
The Vera Institute of Justice has numerous open positions, including a director of innovation. (VIJ) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Yale Law School is looking for visiting fellows for the Information Society Project. (ISP)