JTDL: AI can hurt A2J; Unregulated prison e-messaging + New jobs
The news, events, and opportunities in justice tech and science. Want to post in the newsletter? Simply reply to this email.
AI is poised to hinder, not help, access to justice. (Reuters) Why can't I have a robot lawyer? (SSRN)
AI could aid in evaluating parole decisions. (UC Davis)
Time to reconsider if accused persons should be named before their conviction. (Today)
The rapid and unregulated growth of e‑messaging in prisons. (Prison Policy)
A New York court ruled that state police can’t keep hiding its misconduct records from the public. (Tech Dirt)
The US Dept. of Justice and Bureau of Prisons are teaming up to provide civil legal aid to incarcerated people. (DOJ)
Making crime visible in the digital age. (Critical Criminology)
Purported Wikipedia use by Ireland’s High Court judges. (Fifth Court) (h/t Brian Flanagan)
The Justice Innovation Lab launched a new blog. (Medium) (h/t Kelli Ross)
A Brazilian judge banned Telegram amid school attacks inquiry. (New York Times)
Rent-a-Hitman site nabbed Air National Guardsman who was “excited” to kill. (Ars Technica)
The high cost of being poor. (New York Review of Books)
George Washington University is hosting a panel on prosecution and police accountability on May 2. (GW) (h/t Jared Fishman)
The American Bar Association’s Zero Privacy Post-Dobbs? How the Threat Landscape Has Changed is May 16. (ABA) (h/t Chris Frascella)
The Code for America Summit is May 16-17. (CfA)
The Privacy Law Scholars Conference is June 1-2. (PLSC)
RightsCon is June 5-8. (RC)
WeRobot is September 29-30. (WR)
Jobs & Opportunities
[New] The Brennan Center needs an editor for its new State Court Report program. (BC) (h/t Ashwin Ramaswami)
[New] Center for Democracy and Technology has multiple open positions. (CDT) (h/t Alex Givens)
Cornell’s Clinic to End Tech Abuse needs remote volunteers. (CU) (h/t Alana Ramjit)
[New] Data and Society is hiring for various roles. (DS)
The Federal Trade Commission needs technologists. (FTC)
The Free Law Project needs a development director. (FLP) (h/t Mike Lissner)
The Ford Foundation needs a program officer for tech and society. (FF) (h/t Keith Porcaro)
Frontline Justice needs a CEO. (FJ)
Georgetown is accepting applications for its masters in law and tech program. (GU) (h/t Mary Pat Dwyer)
[New] Georgetown’s Institute for Tech Law and Policy has a student writing competition. (GU) (h/t Mary Pat Dwyer)
The Legal Services Corporation has tech and innovation RFPs open. (LSC) (h/t Sarah Abdelhadi)
The Journal of Science and Law is accepting papers on justice tech. (JSL) (h/t Sasha Davenport)
Just Tech has numerous openings. (JT) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
MacArthur Foundation needs a program officer focused on public interest tech. (MF) (h/t Keith Porcaro)
The National Center for State Courts needs an A2J consultant. (NCSC) (h/t Zach Zarnow)
[New] The National Center for State Courts needs a tester for a court interpreter portal and database. (NCSC) (h/t Zach Zarnow)
Open Contracting Partnership has a grant for procurement reformers. (OCP) (h/t Reilly Martin)
The Oxford Internet Institute needs a post-doc researcher for their trustworthiness auditing AI project. (Ox)
The Philly District Attorney's Office is looking to fill a number of roles. (PDAO) (h/t Oren Gur)
[New] The Policing Project has multiple openings. (PP) (h/t Kaylynn Lopez)
Raheem is hiring for numerous roles. (R)
SimpleCitizen, an immigration tech company, has engineering, product and sales roles. (SC) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Stanford University needs a civil justice and innovation fellow. (SU)
Surveillance Resistance Lab needs a senior research fellow. (SRL) (h/t Rebecca Williams)
Tech Matters needs a research assistant for a new book and a data commons project. (TM)
The Tech Talent Project is hiring for multiple roles. (TTP)
Theory and Principle, a legal software development boutique, is hiring. (T&P)
UCLA Law Behind Bars Data Project seeks Research Director. (UCLA)
The University of Virginia needs a fellow focused on data and democracy. (UVA)
Willful is hiring a head of legal. (W) (h/t Erin Bury)