JTDL: China's AI prosecutor; Using covid apps to find witnesses + New funding
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Chinese scientists develop an AI “prosecutor” that can press its own charges. (South China Morning Post)
More kids and overwhelmingly Black: New records show concerning trends in the DC police gang database. (Intercept)
A new Illinois law says cops need a warrant to grab data from some third parties. (Tech Dirt)
Not a Crime: The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and respectability politics. (Tech Policy Press)
A data black hole: Europol ordered to delete a vast store of personal data. (Guardian)
Software meant to find criminals shows up on journalists’ phones in El Salvador. (New York Times)
German police used a covid tracing app to scout crime witnesses. (Washington Post)
Rethinking technology policy and governance for the 21st Century. (Brookings)
LAPD cops hunted Pokémon instead of responding to a robbery. (Ars)
The Legal Services Corp.’s Innovations in Technology conference continues Jan. 19-20. (LSC)
Vanderbilt’s Summit on Law and Innovation is Jan. 28. (Vandy)
Jobs & Opportunities
Access to Justice Tech Fellows’ science fiction writing contest for law students is accepting entries. (A2JTF)
[New] American Academy of Arts & Sciences needs a program officer for civil justice. (AAAS)
Boundless has numerous openings. (B) (h/t Chase Hertel)
Bryter needs a legal solutions engineer. (B) (h/t Adam Ziegler)
California’s Committee on Revision of the Penal Code needs a staff attorney that’s good with data. (CRPC) (h/t Tom Nosewicz)
Center for Democracy and Technology has multiple open positions. (CDT) (h/t Alex Givens)
The Civil Beat Law Center needs a staff attorney. (CBLC) (h/t Brian Black)
Color of Change needs devs and PMs. (CoC) (h/t Archana Ahlawat)
Data & Society needs a director of research (DS)
Duke Law School’s Wilson Center for Science and Justice needs a policy director. (WCSJ)
The Day One Project has numerous openings. (D1P)
[New] Free Law Project needs a researcher. (FLP)
[New] Ford Foundation is looking for technology fellows. (FF)
Georgetown Law needs a teaching fellow for its Communications & Technology Law Clinic. (GU)
Georgetown Law needs an ED for its Institute for Tech Law and Policy. (GU)
Harvard’s Library Innovation Lab needs a dev. (LIL)
Honest Jobs needs a VP of marketing and alliances. (HJ) (h/t Brian Howe)
JustCity Memphis needs a data scientist. (JCM)
JustFix is hiring for multiple roles. (JF) (h/t Pinky Chan)
Just Tech has numerous openings. (JT) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
Justice Innovation Lab needs data fellows. (JIL)
The Law Society of Ontario’s regulatory sandbox is taking applications. (LSO) (h/t Will Morrison)
Measures for Justice has multiple positions open. (M4J)
The National Public Defense conference on virtual courts is looking for proposals. (NPD)
[New] North Carolina’s Indigent Defense Services needs an IT director. (NCIDS)
Northeastern University needs a information justice prof. (NEU)
Paladin has multiple openings. (P) (h/t Felicity Conrad)
Pathfinders for Justice announced the Young Justice Leaders initiative. (PfJ)
PEW seeks a freelancer for a lit review on research related to court time and costs, email your interest to the link. (PEW) (h/t Darcy White)
The Philly District Attorney's Office is looking to fill a number of roles, including for a dev. (PDAO)
ProBonoNet needs a product manager. (PBN)
SimpleCitizen, an immigration tech company, has engineering, product and sales roles. (SC) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Stanford CodeX is looking for fellows. (SC)
[New] Stanford RegLab needs fellows. (SRL) (h/t Christine Tsang)
Surveillance Technology Oversight Project has legal and policy openings (STOP) and an internship. (STOP). (h/t Eleni Manis)
Texas A&M needs a dev for a public defense data portal project. (TAM)
Theory and Principle, a legal software development boutique, needs a PM. (T&P)
University of Georgia’s State of the South access to justice conference is accepting proposals. (GSU)
The University of San Francisco needs a data ethics fellow. (USF)
Upsolve, the bankruptcy platform, is hiring for multiple roles. (US)
[New] Upturn needs a research assistant. (UT)
[New] The Urban Institute and Microsoft have grants for US nonprofit organizations using data and technology for criminal justice reform. (U) (h/t Evelyn McCoy)
Vera needs an innovation senior associate. (Vera)
We Robot has a call out for papers. (WR)
Yale’s Internet Society Project is accepting applications for its fellowship. (ISP)