JTDL: Coronavirus moves legal services online; Wash your hands + Event Changes
All the justice tech news, events, & jobs fit to reprint.
Emily Bazelon says we need to move courts online in the wake of the Coronavirus. (NYT) Similarly, the U.S. Supreme Court closed to the public only further justifies live-streaming arguments. (FtC) In Alameda County, Calif., the pandemic speeds up adoption of virtual legal services. (Yahoo) (h/t Molly McDonough)
Tech firms seek to head off more bans of facial recognition. (WSJ) The ACLU is suing Homeland Security to figure out how the agency uses face rec at airports. (Engadget) The Vermont Attorney General sues Clearview AI for violations of the state’s Consumer Protection Act and data broker law. (OVAG) Next time you go to the county fair, get your face painted to confuse face rec, like these artists. (AP)
Lie detectors have always been circumspect, AI is making them worse. (MIT)
Google tracked a biker past a burglarized home, making him a suspect. (NBC)
Crime reporting app Citizen creates concerns regarding invasive ads and increased government surveillance. (Intercept)
Caught fabricating evidence by his own body-cam, convicted Baltimore police officer remains on the force two and a half years later. (Sun)
There’s now a database of over 500 iPhones cops have tried to unlock. (vice)
LinkedIn asked the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene in a suit about scraping. (MP)
How to break into legal tech as a law student. (LTT)
The Bureau of Justice Statistics released the first round of data relating to the First Step Act. (BJS)
A district court in Louisiana launched a new site to aid video conferencing and calendar civil hearings. (24d)
The Philly District Attorney’s Office announced a transparency & accountability research collaboration. (PDAO) (h/t Nancy Chan)
Georgetown announced new graduate degrees for those interested in tech law and policy. (GU)
LITCon at Suffolk Law School has been cancelled due to COVID-19. (Suffolk)
The Empirical Research Workshop and Conference on Standardization is happening at Northwestern Law School,May 6-8, 2020. (NW)
The Partners for Justice conference will be held in Baltimore on May 14, 2020. (PJC)
The Law and Society Association conference is May 28-31, 2020 in Denver. (LSA)
Docacon, a conference that teaches docassemble, is June 26 at the Stetson University College of Law in Tampa. (Doca)
We Robot 2020 will take place at the University of Ottawa, but has been rescheduled due to COVID-19 for September, 2020. (UOttawa)
The Seventh National Convening on Research and Data at the American Society of Criminology in D.C. is looking for panelists. The event is Nov. 18-21. (ASC)
Jobs & Opportunities
AI Now Institute has numerous openings. (AI Now)
Arnold Ventures has a bunch of job openings in their various criminal justice tracks. (Arnold)
ATJ Tech Fellows Program is looking for fellows and partner organizations. (ATJ)
Berkeley Law's Technology & Public Policy Clinic is looking for a clinical teaching fellow. (Cal)
Berkeley Technology Law Journal opened its 2020 writing competition. (Cal)
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has openings in their Justice and Opportunity vertical. (CZI)
Duke Law is looking for an ethical tech clinical director. (Duke)
The Free Law Project is looking for a developer. (FLP)
The Future of Privacy Forum is looking for a policy fellow. (FPF)
Georgetown’s Institute for Technology Law & Policy reopened its student writing competition, deadline is May 31. (GULC)
Georgetown Law's Center on Privacy and Technology is hiring an institute associate. (GULC)
Good Call, a legal support tech non-profit, needs a volunteer to help compile an online resource center. (GC)
The Harvard Berkman Klein Center is looking for a fellow to research online take-down notices. (BKC)
HiiL, an access to justice non-profit, has openings. (HiiL)
The Illinois Courts are looking for a senior program manager for its legal technology initiatives. (ILCourts)
The Justice System Journal has a call out for papers on the empirical research into indigent defense. (JSJ)
The Lab at D.C. in the mayor’s office is looking for a grad intern. (Lab)
Measures for Justice has numerous open positions in their research and technology sections. (MfJ)
Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem needs a data analyst. (NDSH)
Neota Logic, an expert systems platform, is looking for a university and non-profit relationships director, plus other roles. (Neota)
New York Legal Aid Society needs a data quality analyst for their cop accountability project. (NYLAS) (h/t Cynthia Conti-Cook)
NYU’s Information Law Institute needs a research fellow. (NYU)
City of Oakland needs a data scientist for its police performance project. (Oak)
Paladin, a pro bono platform, is looking for an account manager. (Paladin)
PEW is looking for a civil legal system modernization researcher. (PEW)
Philadelphia Courts need a resaerch assistant. (Phila)
The Philly District Attorney's Office is looking for researchers, data scientists and programmers. (PDAO)
The Policing Project at NYULaw needs a legal director. (PP)
Pro Bono Net has numerous openings in New York for project management and other roles. (PBN)
Quest for Justice is looking for a front end developer and marketing director. (Q4J) (Disclosure: I work for Q4J.)
Recidiviz, a criminal justice data platform, is looking to fill multiple roles. (Recidiviz)
The Stanford Center for Human-centered Artificial Intelligence wants to fill a number of director roles. (HAI)
The Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office needs a data administrator. (SCDAO)
Swansea University School of Law is filling a number of legal tech and computational law teaching and technical jobs. (SU)
TechCongress is hiring a deputy director. (TC)
Texas Southern University’s Center for Justice Research is looking for a research analyst. (TSU)
Theory and Principle, a legal software development boutique, needs a back-end dev. (T&P)
Thorn, a platform fighting child sex trafficking, has a number of positions open. (Thorn)
Upturn is looking for summer fellows. (Upturn)
Yale Law School is looking for visiting fellows for the Information Society Project. (ISP)