JTDL: Courts as a digital platform; what's a Palantir? + New Jobs
I’m trying to think bigger, so I re-imagined courts as a digital platform. (New America)
The LAPD were trained to use tech from Palantir, a controversial data mining company. (Buzzfeed) Documents show how the LAPD used Palantir to turn garbage data into ineffective policing. (TechDirt) A new documentary reveals Palantir’s role in a notorious gang raid in the Bronx. (Appeal) To bring it all home: the company IPO’ed this week, while its efficacy is questioned. (NY Mag)
The U.S. House passed a bill that would keep federal law enforcement and corrections officials from reading emails between inmates and their lawyers. (Law360)
Detroit extended the contract for its facial recognition program, which doesn't work, according to the city’s police chief. (VICE)
Ring's traffic stop feature intends to bring more accountability to policing and privacy headaches to everyone else. (Verge)
Police should have to get a warrant to obtain WiFi location data. (NBC)
Websites still don’t offer equal access, and lawsuits are increasing. (VentureBeat)
Bar exam software sparks facial recognition and privacy concerns. (VentureBeat)
Making Online Courts Work. (Artificial Lawyer)
Jobs & Opportunities
18F, the federal government’s in-house tech shop, is hiring. (18F) (h/t Eleni Manis)
6Clicks, which do cyber security audits for courts and government agencies, needs an “enabler”. (6C) (h/t Josh Jackson)
The American Bar Association’s Center for Innovation is looking for a deputy director. (ABA)
Arnold Ventures has a bunch of job openings in their various criminal justice tracks. (Arnold)
Blue Ridge Labs has opened their fellowship applications. (BRL) (h/t Eleni Manis)
The Brennan Center is looking for a bunch of legal interns. (BC) (h/t Eleni Manis)
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has openings in their Justice and Opportunity vertical. (CZI)
Chicago Kent College of Law is hiring for an inaugural chair in entrepreneurship and applied legal technology. (CKCL) (h/t Daan Vansimpsen)
[New] Cornell’s Digital Life Initiative has a new technology law and policy fellowship. (CDLI)
Data for Black Lives needs a national organizing director. (DfBL)
DataKind is looking for a director of volunteers. (DK) (h/t Eleni Manis)
DC’s Criminal Code Reform Commission needs a social scientist. (CCRC)
[New] The Edinburgh Futures Institute’s Centre for Technomoral Futures has four funded PhDs to give away. (EFI)
Everytown for Gun Safety needs a data engineer. (EGS) (h/t Eleni Manis)
The Ford Foundation needs a data analyst. (FF) (h/t Eleni Manis)
The Future Society needs an analyst and interns. (FS) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Future Tense is looking for a research and events associate. (FT)
Georgetown’s Beek Center for Social Impact is hiring a data and justice researcher. (BC)
The Illinois Courts are looking for a senior program manager for its legal technology initiatives. (ILCourts)
JustFix.nyc is looking for a UX/UI designer. (JF)
Just Tech needs a consultant. (JT) (h/t Daan Vansimpsen)
LawHelpNY needs a new director. (CFW)
The Partnership on AI is looking for a program lead. (PAI)
The Philly District Attorney's Office is looking for researchers, data scientists and programmers. (PDAO)
Pro Bono Net has an open position. (PBN)
Raheem, a platform for reporting police violence, needs a software engineer. (R)
RapidSoS, a data platform for first responders, is hiring. (RSoS) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Recidiviz needs a director of ops and a security engineer. (R)
Ryerson University’s Legal Innovation Zone has multiple openings. (RU) (h/t Daan Vansimpsen)
San Francisco city government needs a business analyst for their criminal justice data work. (SF) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Schmidt Futures has numerous open roles. (SF)
The Shuttleworth Foundation opened applications for fellows. (SF)
SimpleCitizen, an immigration tech company, needs a customer success strategist. (SC) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Stanford’s Computational Policy Lab needs data scientists and engineers. (SU)
[New] Suffolk Law School needs an instructional designer for its online legal education. (SLS)
R Street, a libertarian think tank, needs to fill some tech and policy roles. (RS)
Theory and Principle, a legal software development boutique, needs a QA dev. (T&P)
TuitApp needs a legal researcher. (TA) (h/t Daan Vansimpsen)
The Vera Institute of Justice has numerous open positions. (VIJ) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Yale Law School is looking for visiting fellows for the Information Society Project. (ISP)