JTDL: Justice-as-a-Platform; machine morality + New jobs
Editor’s Note
Earlier this year, the World Bank asked me to survey access to justice technologies used around the globe and develop a framework to understand what’s happening. Today, the pre-publication version of this research went live.
In this piece, I propose a new way to organize justice technology interventions by thinking of the justice system as a digital platform. Doing so lets us see discrete projects in an interdependent ecosystem of software and processes. While it’s a useful organizing heuristic, I hope this perspective can also help us understand how and why justice technologies succeed or fail. I look forward to your feedback and thoughts. (MIT Computational Law Report)
On a festive administrative note: I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday week in the US. The newsletter will take next week off. We’ll be back on Dec. 6.
Happy Thanksgiving,
How your family tree could catch a killer. (New Yorker)
The makers of EyeDetect promise a new era of truth-detection , but many experts are rightly skeptical. (Washington Post)
Surveillance systems, no matter the intention, will always exist to serve power. (Wired)
Hackers compromised the FBI email system to spam fake cybersecurity alerts. (Gizmodo)
Can a machine learn morality? (New York Times)
The decolonial turn in data and technology research: what is at stake and where is it heading? (Information, Communication, & Society)
Algorithmic reparations. (Big Data & Society)
Pew will present its new report on courts’ use of technology and the path forward on Nov. 30. (PEW) (h/t Erika Rickard)
Vanderbilt’s Summit on Law and Innovation is Dec. 3. (Vandy)
Jobs & Opportunities
A2J Tech is looking to fill dev and PM roles. (A2JT)
The ACLU NorCal needs a summer intern. (ACLU)
The Alan Turing Institute has numerous openings. (ATI)
American Legal Media needs a legal tech reporter. (ALM)
Boundless has numerous openings. (B) (h/t Chase Hertel)
Bryter needs a legal solutions engineer. (B) (h/t Adam Ziegler)
California’s Committee on Revision of the Penal Code needs a staff attorney that’s good with data. (CRPC) (h/t Tom Nosewicz)
Carnegie Mellon University needs a director of executive education for public policy and engineering. (CMU)
Center for Democracy and Technology has multiple open positions. (CDT) (h/t Alex Givens)
Code for America needs a data consultant. (CfA)
Color of Change needs devs and PMs. (CoC) (h/t Archana Ahlawat)
Data & Society’s The Social Life of Algorithmic Harms event is accepting proposals. (DS)
Data & Society needs a director of research (DS)
[New] Disability Archives Lab has a call for abstracts regarding intersections of disability and information studies. (DAL)
Duke Law School’s Wilson Center for Science and Justice needs a policy director. (WCSJ)
The Day One Project has numerous openings. (D1P)
EngageMedia needs a digital rights program manager. (EM)
Fast Forward’s accelerator is accepting applications. (FF) (h/t Summer Kennedy)
Free Press is looking for a policy counsel. (FP) (h/t Amy Martyn)
Future of Privacy Forum is hiring a law and policy fellow. (FPF)
[New] Georgetown Law needs a teaching fellow for its Communications & Technology Law Clinic. (GU)
Georgetown Law needs an ED for its Institute for Tech Law and Policy. (GU)
Hack the Hood needs a director of curriculum and programs. (HtH)
Harvard’s Belfer Center is accepting tech and public purpose fellowship applications. (HBC)
Harvard’s Library Innovation Lab needs a dev. (LIL)
IAALS’ Alli Gerkman Legal Visionary Award is seeking nominations. (AGLV) (h/t Natalie Knowlton)
IViR launched a science fiction and information law short story competition. (IViR) (h/t Keith Porcaro)
JustFix is hiring for multiple roles. (JF) (h/t Pinky Chan)
Just Tech has numerous openings. (JT) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
The Law Society of Ontario’s regulatory sandbox is taking applications. (LSO) (h/t Will Morrison)
The Legal Aid Society of New York needs a digital forensics examiner. (NYLAS) (h/t Jerome Greco)
Measures for Justice has multiple positions open. (M4J)
The National Public Defense conference on virtual courts is looking for proposals. (NPD)
The National Institute of Justice has a call for proposals for reducing racial and ethnic disparities in the justice system. (NIJ) (h/t Keith Porcaro)
NYU’s Technology Law and Policy Clinic needs a clinical teaching fellow. (NYU)
Notre Dame’s Tech Ethics Lab has a call out for projects. (ND)
Open Mic needs a deputy director. (OM) (h/t Michael Connor)
Paladin has multiple openings. (P) (h/t Felicity Conrad)
[New] Pathfinders for Justice announced the Young Justice Leaders initiative. (PfJ)
The Philly District Attorney's Office is looking to fill a number of roles, including for a dev. (PDAO)
The Philly city government needs a cloud engineer to support open data teams, including with the DA. (CoP) (h/t Dan Lopez)
ProBonoNet needs a product manager. (PBN)
The Social Science Research Council has two year grants for those studying about social justice and tech. (SSRC) (h/t Kristen Sonday)
Schmidt Futures needs a technical fellow. (SF)
SimpleCitizen, an immigration tech company, has engineering, product and sales roles. (SC) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Stanford CodeX needs a computable contracts engineer. (SC)
Surveillance Technology Oversight Project has legal and policy openings. (STOP)
Texas A&M needs a dev for a public defense data portal project. (TAM)
Theory and Principle, a legal software development boutique, needs a PM. (T&P)
UC Berkeley needs a staff attorney for its Technology & Public Policy Clinic. (UCB)
University of Georgia’s State of the South access to justice conference is accepting proposals. (GSU)
The University of San Francisco needs a data ethics fellow. (USF)
Upsolve, the bankruptcy platform, is hiring for multiple roles. (UpS)
Uptrust needs a sales director. (UpT)
Yale’s Internet Society Project is accepting applications for its fellowship. (ISP)