JTDL: Lawyers fight against the algorithm poverty trap; AI police drones
In one Southern California city, flying drones with artificial intelligence are aiding investigations while presenting new civil rights questions. (New York Times)
Algorithms create a poverty trap and the lawyers fight back. (MIT Tech Review) (h/t Michele Gilman)
Law enforcement can access locked devices quite well. (Lawfare)
Baltimore police lied about almost every aspect of its spy plane program. (VICE)
How our data encodes systemic racism. (MIT Tech Review) Researchers find that white men are the worst at reducing AI bias. (VentureBeat)
In China, Huawei tested AI software that could recognize Uighur minorities and alert police. (Washington Post) Kashmiris are interrogated and tortured by Indian Cyber Police for tweeting. (Intercept)
Rejecting opposition from the judiciary, the US House passed a bill to make PACER free—we’ll see what happens in the Senate. (National Law Journal) Legal tech execs backed the bill. (LawSites) The libertarians were also on board. (R Street)
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tabacco and Firearms finally has to hand over a bunch of gun crime data. (Trace)
A new report calls for court judgments to be written as data in New Zealand. (New Zealand Law Foundation) (h/t Jameson Dempsey)
[Podcast] I hosted a sneak peek conversation about the Legal Services Corporation’s Innovations in Technology conference, which will be held in January. (LSC)
DoNotPay now includes a FOIA feature. (Tech Crunch)
[Video] Helping students find jobs in public interest tech. (New America)
Jobs & Opportunities
[New] 18F, the federal government’s in-house tech shop, is hiring. (18F)
The ACLU needs a technology fellow to look at tech that impacts civil rights. (ACLU) (h/t Irene Mo)
The ACLU of Northern California is looking for interns. (ACLU NorCal)
The Algorithmic Justice League needs a director of ops. (AJL) (h/t Keith Porcaro)
Arnold Ventures has a bunch of job openings in their various criminal justice tracks. (Arnold)
ATJ Tech Fellows has a science fiction writing competition for law students, deadline is Dec. 31. (ATJ)
[New] The Baltimore Digital Equity Coalition needs a coalition director. (BDEC) (h/t Emma Simpson).
The Boston University School of Law needs a professor for its technology law clinic. (BU) (h/t Matthew Stubenberg)
The Brennan Center is looking for a bunch of legal interns. (BC) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Callisto needs a senior dev. (C)
The Center for Democracy and Technology is hiring a number of staff and internship positions. (CDT) (h/t Alex Givens)
The Center for Policing Equity needs a data analyst and full stack engineer. (CPE) (h/t Eleni Manis)
[New] The Civil Resolution Tribunal in British Columbia needs an information clerk. (CRT)
Cornell’s Digital Life Initiative has a new technology law and policy fellowship. (CDLI)
The Council for State Governments Justice Center needs six senior policy analysts. (CSG) (h/t Joyce Raby)
Data and Society is looking for fellows (DnS) and applicants for a workshop on public data infrastructure (DnS). (h/t Eleni Manis)
Data for Black Lives needs a national organizing director. (DfBL)
[New] DataKind is looking for an executive director (DK) and director of volunteers. (DK) (h/t Elizabeth Grossman)
DC’s Criminal Code Reform Commission needs a social scientist. (CCRC)
The Digital Freedom Fund needs a racial and social justice lead. (DFF)
The Edinburgh Futures Institute’s Centre for Technomoral Futures has four funded PhDs to give away. (EFI)
Everytown for Gun Safety needs a data engineer. (EGS) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Future Tense is looking for a research and events associate. (FT)
Georgetown Law’s Center on Privacy and Technology needs an associate. (CPT)
[New] Harvard’s Belfer Center has opened up applications for its Technology and Public Purpose Fellowship. (HBC)
Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center opened its fellowship application. (BKC) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Harvard Law’s Journal of Law and Technology is accepting articles. (JOLT)
Hate Aid, a German org, needs legal interns. (HA) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
Illinois Court Help needs a senior program manager. (ICH) (h/t Natalie Knowlton)
The Journal of Science and Law is rebooting and is taking submissions. (JSL) (h/t Sasha Davenport)
JustFix.nyc is looking to fill multiple roles. (JF)
Just Tech has numerous openings. (JT) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
Lagniappe Law Lab needs a legal content manager. (LLL) (h/t Amanda Brown)
[New] Law Enforcement Action Partnership has an urgent call out for a data consultant. (LEAP) (h/t Amos Irwin)
The Legal Services Corp. needs a special assistant to the president. (LSC) (h/t Nadia Elguindy)
Microsoft needs a PM focused on justice and equity. (MSFT) (h/t Eleni Manis)
The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers needs a senior dev. (NACDL) (h/t Julie Ciccolini)
[New] The National Science Foundation needs a social scientist, which will work in the law and science vertical, among others. (NSF)
New America opened up applications for its national fellows program. (NA)
The Oklahoma Policy Institute needs a justice data analyst. (OPI)
Paladin needs a full stack engineer. (P)
The Partnership on AI is hiring for multiple positions. (PAI) (h/t Eleni Manis)
The Patrick McGovern Foundation has a slew of positions. (PMF)
The Philly District Attorney's Office is looking to fill a number of roles. (PDAO)
Pro Bono Net has an open position and needs interns. (PBN)
Raheem, a platform for reporting police violence, needs a software engineer. (R)
RapidSoS, a data platform for first responders, is hiring. (RSoS) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Recidiviz has a number of openings. (R)
Ryerson University’s Legal Innovation Zone has multiple openings. (RU) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
San Francisco city government needs a business analyst for their criminal justice data work. (SF) (h/t Eleni Manis)
[New] Schmidt Futures has numerous open roles. (SF)
SimpleCitizen, an immigration tech company, has engineering, product and sales roles. (SC) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Theory and Principle, a legal software development boutique, needs a UX designer. (T&P)
University College London is offering a fully funded PhD for someone interested in studying technology-facilitated abuse in intimate partner violence. (UCL) (h/t Leonie Tanczer)
The Vera Institute of Justice has numerous open positions, including a director of innovation. (VIJ) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Yale Law School is looking for visiting fellows for the Information Society Project. (ISP)