JTDL: Pandemic legal aid search data; the aesthetic ethics of ankle monitors + New Jobs

As life moves more online, civil rights law needs to be applied to virtual spaces. (Harvard)
New data shows how the pandemic affects what people search for on legal aid websites. (PEW) (Erika Rickard)
ACLU warns against fever-screening tools for coronavirus. (NYT) Meanwhile, the UK’s contact tracing app is off to a rough start. (BBC)
Texas will experiment with a Zoom jury trial. (Reuters) (h/t Steve Grumm) Michigan Courts now have a directory for at-home court watching. (Michigan Live)
California police used military surveillance technology at a graduate student strike. (VICE)
Amazon is quietly fighting against a groundbreaking facial recognition ban in Portland, Oregon. (OneZero)
The Feds continue to blame encryption for slowing criminal investigations. (Ars) Even though, iPhone spyware lets police log suspects' passcodes when cracking the phone doesn't work. (NBC)
Activists are trying to stop the FBI from snooping on your web history. (VICE) The US House will vote on whether to limit this authority, which failed by one vote in the Senate. (Politico)
A new report looks at the entire ecosystem of possibilities to close the justice gap. (HiiL) With serendipitous timing, the UK announced it will launch a legal innovation sandbox to support research and development. (Artificial Lawyer)
A site is tracking class action lawsuits brought against universities because classes moved online. (SUNY) (h/t Lorelei Laid)
[Podcast] How educational software unites law students, legal aid, and courts. (APP)
Texas has a new tool for tenants to see if they are protected by the CARES Act. (Texas Housers) (Liz Shackney)
Colorado has a new name change app. (CNC) (Dorna Moini)
On electronic ankle monitors and the ethics of their aesthetic. (TIS)
[Virtual] The Law and Society Association conference is May 28-31, 2020. (LSA)
[Virtual] CALIcon, a conference about technology and legal education, is happening June 3-5, 2020. (CALI)
[Virtual] Docacon, a conference that teaches docassemble, is June 26 at the Stetson University College of Law in Tampa. (Doca)
[Stay tuned] We Robot 2020 may not take place at the University of Ottawa. (UOttawa)
Jobs & Opportunities
AI Now Institute has numerous openings. (AI Now)
Arnold Ventures has a bunch of job openings in their various criminal justice tracks. (Arnold)
The Aspen Tech Policy Hub is looking for a deputy director and a program coordinator. (Aspen) (h/t Betsy Cooper)
ATJ Tech Fellows Program is looking for fellows and partner organizations. (ATJ)
Berkeley Law's Technology & Public Policy Clinic is looking for a clinical teaching fellow. (Cal)
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has openings in their Justice and Opportunity vertical. (CZI)
Code for America is looking for a senior consulting engineer for its “Clear My Record” expungement project. (CfA) (h/t Matt Bernius)
The Duke Law Tech Lab is accepting companies for its remote accelerator. (Duke)
The FBI needs a software engineer. (FBI)
The Free Law Project is looking for a paid summer intern. (FLP)
Georgetown’s Institute for Technology Law & Policy needs a justice data associate. (GULC) (h/t Matthew Stubenberg)
Georgetown’s Institute for Technology Law & Policy reopened its student writing competition, deadline is May 31. (GULC)
Good Call, a legal support tech non-profit, needs a volunteer to help compile an online resource center. (GC)
The Illinois Courts are looking for a senior program manager for its legal technology initiatives. (ILCourts)
Lagniappe Law Lab is looking for an access-to-justice tech fellow. (LLL)
LawHelpNY needs a new director. (CFW)
Measures for Justice has numerous open positions in their research and technology sections. (MfJ)
Neota Logic, an expert systems platform, is looking for a university and non-profit relationships director, plus other roles. (Neota)
City of Oakland needs a data scientist for its police performance project. (Oak)
Paladin, a pro bono platform, is looking for an account manager. (Paladin)
The Philly District Attorney's Office is looking for researchers, data scientists and programmers. (PDAO)
Pro Bono Net has numerous openings in New York for project management and other roles. (PBN)
Quest for Justice is looking for a front end developer and marketing director. (Q4J) (Disclosure: I work for Q4J.)
Recidiviz, a criminal justice data platform, is looking to fill multiple roles. (Recidiviz)
Texas Southern University’s Center for Justice Research is looking for a research analyst. (TSU)
Theory and Principle, a legal software development boutique, needs a back-end dev. (T&P)
Thorn, a platform fighting child sex trafficking, has a number of positions open. (Thorn)
The UCLA Institute for Technology, Law, and Policy needs an executive director. (UCLA)
University of Toronto needs a director for its new Future of Law Lab. (UT)
Upturn is looking for summer fellows. (Upturn)
Yale Law School is looking for visiting fellows for the Information Society Project. (ISP)