JTDL: Predictive policing woes; New prison letter reading tech + New funding
After helping fund its creation, the DOJ told the Pasco County Sheriff to put a pause on its problematic predictive policing program. (Tampa Bay Times) Data-driven policing’s threat to our constitutional rights. (Brookings) The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers opposes predictive policing tools. (NACDL)
The Free Law Project released a database of federal judges’ financial information. (FLP) The Wall Street Journal found 131 judges broke the law by not recusing themselves when they should have. (WSJ)
Other than prison, electronic monitoring is the most restrictive form of control. (George Washington University)
Oakland Police broke a local surveillance law. (Wired)
The LAPD wants $18 million for surveillance software and other treats. (Vice)
The federal infrastructure bill would require cars to detect impaired drivers. (CATO)
The NYPD has a new app. (AP) They also got barred from using sealed criminal records. (AP)
The federal Bureau of Prisons is piloting new ways to read prisoner mail, creating a privacy problem. (Intercept)
How a secret Google geofence warrant helped catch the Capitol riot mob. (Wired)
Delaware’s Supreme Court ruled that a cellphone search unlimited in time and scope is unconstitutional. (Delaware Online) The US Ninth Circuit Court reaffirmed a Fourth Amendment protection for electronic communications. (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
Prosecutorial disparity data in Charleston, South Carolina. (Justice Innovation Lab)
Microsoft and the Urban Institute made money available to criminal justice organizations to improve data collection. (Urban)
Law isn’t code, and that’s a good thing. (Artificial Lawyer)
The flaws of policies requiring human oversight of government algorithms. (SSRN)
The UN released a new report on the right to privacy in the digital age. (UNHCR)
Researchers created an open-access computer program for estimating the age of skeletal remains. (National Institute of Justice)
How the mafia is pivoting to cybercrime. (Vice)
[Virtual] Fast Forward Accelerator’s Demo Day is October 7. (FF) (h/t Summer Kennedy)
[Virtual] Duke Law Tech Demo Day is October 22. (DL)
Jobs & Opportunities
A2J Tech is looking to fill dev and PM roles. (A2JT)
The AI Education Project is hiring. (AIED)
[New] The Alan Turing Institute needs a data justice research assistant. (ATI)
Baltimore City needs a data fellow. (BC)
Boundless has numerous openings. (B) (h/t Chase Hertel)
[New] California’s Office of the Public Defender needs a researcher. (OPD)
Center for Democracy and Technology has multiple open positions. (CDT) (h/t Alex Givens)
[New] The Council of State Governments needs a strategic initiatives director. (CSG) (h/t Marshall Clement)
Data & Society needs a director of research (DS)
Duke Law School’s Wilson Center for Science and Justice needs a policy director. (WCSJ)
The Day One Project has numerous openings. (D1P)
The European Research Council has a research position for someone into legal theory and blockchain. (ERC)
Free Press is looking for a policy counsel. (FP) (h/t Amy Martyn)
Future of Privacy Forum is hiring a law and policy fellow. (FPF)
Hack the Hood needs a director of curriculum and programs. (HtH)
Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center needs an ED. (BKC)
The Harvard Law Library’s Innovation Lab needs summer RAs. (HLL)
IViR launched a science fiction and information law short story competition. (IViR) (h/t Keith Porcaro)
[New] JustFix is hiring product and UX people. (JF) (h/t Pinky Chan)
Just Tech has numerous openings. (JT) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
Measures for Justice has multiple positions open. (M4J)
Paladin has multiple openings. (P)
The Partnership on AI is hiring for multiple positions. (PAI) (h/t Eleni Manis)
The Philly District Attorney's Office is looking to fill a number of roles, including for a dev. (PDAO)
[New] The Philly city government needs a cloud engineer to support open data teams, including with the DA. (CoP) (h/t Dan Lopez)
ProBonoNet needs a product manager. (PBN)
Schmidt Futures needs a technical fellow. (SF)
SimpleCitizen, an immigration tech company, has engineering, product and sales roles. (SC) (h/t Eleni Manis)
[New] Stand Together Ventures is looking for applicants for a new accelerator class. (STV)
[New] Surveillance Technology Oversight Project has legal and policy openings. (STOP)
Theory and Principle, a legal software development boutique, needs a PM. (T&P)
[New] UC Berkeley needs a staff attorney for its Technology & Public Policy Clinic. (UCB)
University of Michigan is hiring profs focused on racial justice and tech. (UM)
[New] University of Oxford is looking for a postdoc researcher in the governance of emerging technologies. (Ox)
Upsolve, the bankruptcy platform, is hiring for multiple roles. (Up)