JTDL: Tech titans fund recall of SF DA; Policing homeless w/ a dogbot + New jobs
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Why Silicon Valley investors are injecting millions into San Francisco’s district attorney recall election. (Forbes)
Justice tech non-profit Upsolve filed a First Amendment lawsuit, hoping to clear the way for volunteers to help people defend against debt collection suits. (New York Times)
Flaws plague a tool meant to help low-risk federal prisoners win early release. (NPR) Faulty drug tests resulted in hundreds of New York prisoners being wrongly punished. (TechDirt)
The FBI bought Pegasus, spyware the US is trying to ban. (New York Times) The DEA uses a law created to give it access to landline records to gather data from encrypted messaging services. (TechDirt)
How community organizers and tech workers joined forces to rein in San Diego’s surveillance state. (Logic) Surveillance and the “Tyrant Test.” (Georgetown Law Review)
Police outsource human interaction with homeless people to a robot dog. (Motherboard)
Improving the collection of digital evidence. (National Institute of Justice)
Datafication and the future of human rights practice. (Justlabs)
Trolling, doxxing, and false arrests: How governments are using tech to intimidate critics in Southeast Asia. (Rest of World)
A standard national set of police data measures is being piloted in the West Sacramento Police Department. (Measures for Justice)
Bringing opportunities to incarcerated persons and prison-tech startups. (Day One Project)
Humanitarian digital ethics: A foresight and decolonial governance approach. (Harvard)
Victory is on the horizon in the “Free PACER” fight. (Freedom of the Press Foundation)
The folks at Northeastern University’s NuLawLab released a virtual tour of a Colorado courthouse. (NU)
Automating the Administrative State, a Duke Law Symposium, is Feb. 12. (DL)
HiiL Justice Accelerator’s demo day is Feb. 16. (HiiL)
RightsCon is June 6-10. (RC)
Jobs & Opportunities
Access to Justice Tech Fellows’ science fiction writing contest for law students is accepting entries. (A2JTF)
American Academy of Arts & Sciences needs a program officer for civil justice. (AAAS)
Arlington County, VA’s states attorney needs a data and litigation support analyst. (ACSA) (h/t Oren Gur)
Boundless has numerous openings. (B) (h/t Chase Hertel)
Bryter needs a legal solutions engineer. (B) (h/t Adam Ziegler)
California’s Committee on Revision of the Penal Code needs a staff attorney that’s good with data. (CRPC) (h/t Tom Nosewicz)
Center for Democracy and Technology has multiple open positions. (CDT) (h/t Alex Givens)
The Civil Beat Law Center needs a staff attorney. (CBLC) (h/t Brian Black)
Color of Change needs devs and PMs. (CoC) (h/t Archana Ahlawat)
[New] The Congressional-Executive Commission on China needs staff for it’s technology-enhanced authoritarianism research. (CECC)
The Criminal Justice Administrative Records System at the University of Michigan is hiring. (CJARS)
Data & Society needs a director of research (DS)
Duke Law School’s Wilson Center for Science and Justice needs a policy director. (WCSJ)
The Day One Project has numerous openings. (D1P)
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has multiple openings. (EFF)
Free Law Project needs a researcher. (FLP)
Ford Foundation is looking for technology fellows. (FF)
[New] Georgetown’s Center for Privacy and Technology needs a senior associate. (GU) (h/t Samantha Simonsen)
Georgetown Law needs a teaching fellow for its Communications & Technology Law Clinic. (GU)
Georgetown Law needs an ED for its Institute for Tech Law and Policy. (GU)
Harvard’s Library Innovation Lab needs a dev. (LIL)
Honest Jobs needs a VP of marketing and alliances. (HJ) (h/t Brian Howe)
[New] The International Conference on Anticipation has a call for papers. (ICA)
JustCity Memphis needs a data scientist. (JCM)
JustFix is hiring for multiple roles. (JF) (h/t Pinky Chan)
Just Tech has numerous openings. (JT) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
The Law Society of Alberta’s regulatory sandbox is taking applications. (LSA) (h/t Len Polsky)
The Law Society of Ontario’s regulatory sandbox is taking applications. (LSO) (h/t Will Morrison)
Measures for Justice has multiple positions open. (M4J)
The National Center for State Courts needs court consultants. (NCSC)
[New] The National Registry of Exonerations needs an ED. (NRE) (h/t Amani Smathers)
Northeastern University needs a information justice prof. (NEU)
Paladin has multiple openings. (P) (h/t Felicity Conrad)
PEW seeks a freelancer for a lit review on research related to court time and costs, email your interest to the link. (PEW) (h/t Darcy White)
The Philly District Attorney's Office is looking to fill a number of roles, including for a dev. (PDAO)
[New] Princeton’s Center for Information and Technology Policy needs summer interns. (CITP)
ProBonoNet needs a product manager. (PBN)
SimpleCitizen, an immigration tech company, has engineering, product and sales roles. (SC) (h/t Eleni Manis)
Stanford CodeX is looking for fellows. (SC)
Stanford RegLab needs fellows. (SRL) (h/t Christine Tsang)
Surveillance Technology Oversight Project has legal and policy openings (STOP) and an internship. (STOP). (h/t Eleni Manis)
Theory and Principle, a legal software development boutique, needs a PM. (T&P)
The University of San Francisco needs a data ethics fellow. (USF)
Upsolve, the bankruptcy platform, is hiring for multiple roles. (US)
Upturn needs a research assistant. (UT)
The Urban Institute and Microsoft have grants for US nonprofit organizations using data and technology for criminal justice reform. (U) (h/t Evelyn McCoy)
Vera needs an innovation senior associate. (Vera)
We Robot has a call out for papers. (WR)
Yale’s Internet Society Project is accepting applications for its fellowship. (ISP)