JusticeTech: 320+ justice apps, problems w/ photo analysis, & jobs

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It was a robust week for justice tech surveys. Rebecca Sandefur and her colleagues released a report cataloging 320+ civil and criminal justice technologies. (ABF) Taking an international view, the Engine Room released a report on technology that empowers people in legal situations. (ER)
In the world of funding, the Public Welfare Foundation has doubled down on its commitment to bolstering community-level criminal justice programming. (PWF)
The dirty secret about forensic science is that it's not really scientific. Now--adding to arson, bitemark and hair forensic analysis--new studies are poking holes in the FBI's image unit's approach to photographic analysis. (ProPublica) In other bureau news, an at home DNA testing company lets the FBI search its genealogy database when investigating violent crimes. (Buzzfeed)
In prison news, correctional facilities and their vendors are creating databases of inmates' voice prints. (The Appeal) In New York City, public defenders want the Department of Corrections' to stop video recording confidential meetings with their clients. (Daily News)
San Francisco is considering a ban on the government's use of facial recognition. (Verge)
The Aspen Institute has a new fellowship for tech policy experts. (Aspen)
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has service design and portfolio manager openings in their Justice and Opportunity vertical. (CZI)
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is looking for a surveillance activist and a staff technologist. (EFF)
The Lab at D.C. has three postings at the moment, including a data scientist, social scientist and operations analyst. (The Lab)
PEW is looking for someone to help with their court modernization work. (PEW)
Upturn has a couple full-time research and policy analyst positions. (Upturn)