JusticeTech DL: Partner w/ our Georgetown Course; Crime News by Amazon + Jobs
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Editor's Note: The newsletter is taking the next two weeks off. It'll be back May 28.
This fall, Keith Porcaro and I are bringing back our Criminal Justice Technology, Policy, & Law course to Georgetown Law Center. This is a practicum course, which means we partner our students with system stakeholders on process and technology improvement projects. We are currently seeking new partners for Fall 2019. (Medium)
British police are asking crime victims for their personal data to pursue investigations, raising major privacy concerns. (NYT)
Big Tech companies are battling backlash against their facial recognition software. (Vox) Accuracy and privacy concerns are affecting a pilot of Amazon Rekognition by a sheriff's office near Portland, Ore. (WaPo) Using different software, a test of the tech in London found it was 96 percent inaccurate. (iNews)
Meanwhile, video doorbell company Ring, owned by Amazon, wants to start producing crime news. 🤦 (Nieman)
Psychologically it's hard to say "no," so what does that mean when the police ask to search your phone without a warrant? (NYT)
Illinois considers reducing the use of electronic monitors. (NPR) Nationally, concerns are high for the millions on electronic community monitoring, or "e-carceration". (Nation)
A NYPD oversight report makes one thing clear: the NYPD does not want to be overseen. (TechDirt)
Eric Piza at John Jay College just put out a new book on police technologies used in place-based policing. (Rutgers)
Poor people get the worst of privacy harms: they are over-surveilled and subsequently punished for their extensive digital profiles. (NYT)
A judge in New Jersey says better data helped bail reform. (PEW)
Industry can't make the rules on AI. (Nature)
Expungement tech has made it to Kansas City, Mo. (KCUR) Events
Code for America's annual summit is on May 29 in Oakland, CA. (CfA)
Tel Aviv University's Cyberweek conference from June 23-27 will cover a host of topics, including the ethics of AI in criminal justice systems, which I'll be speaking on. (Cyberweek)
The National Network to End Domestic Violence is hosting its Technology Summit in San Francisco, July 29-31. (NNEDV)
The Maintainers are putting on a third conference focused on maintenance, infrastructure and repair in Washington D.C., October 6-9. (Maintainers)
The American Society of Criminology meeting is happening in San Francisco between November 13-16. (ASC)
Jobs & Opportunities
AI Now Institute is looking for a post-doc researcher and an executive assistant. (AI Now)
Arnold Ventures has a bunch of job openings in their various criminal justice tracks. (Arnold)
The Center for Justice Research at Texas Southern University is looking for an undergrad researcher. (TSU)
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has a user experience researcher and senior engineer openings in their Justice and Opportunity vertical. (CZI)
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is looking for an international policy director. (EFF)
The Free Law Project is looking for a backend developer. (FLP)
The Lab at D.C. is looking for a data scientist, social scientist and operations analyst. (The Lab)
New York County Defenders Services needs a data scientist. (NNCD)
The National Institute of Justice has a solicitation out for AI research into community supervision. (NIJ)
TechCongress is looking for a Washington D.C. director. (TC)
University of California Irvine has a role open for a digital rights fellow at the law school's International Justice Clinic. (UCI)
Uptrust, a court reminder platform, is looking for a front end engineer and tech lead manager. (Uptrust)