JusticeTech DL: work with us at Georgetown; did cellphones lower crime? + new jobs

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This fall, Keith Porcaro and I will bring back our Criminal Justice Technology, Policy, & Law course to Georgetown Law Center. This is a practicum course, which means we partner our students with criminal justice system stakeholders on process and technology improvement projects. We are currently seeking new partners for Fall 2019. Deadline for applications is June 14. (Medium)
A new study argues that the proliferation of cellphones helps explain the low U.S. crime rate. (Atlantic) Even at historic lows, there's more crime reporting apps than ever, affecting people's perception. (NYT)
This is how a hacker and a sex offender slipped their electronic probation. (NYT)
San Francisco's district attorney is releasing more office data to improve transparency. (Examiner) On the other side of the country, the NYPD has been systemically under-reporting rape data. (Gothamist)
San Francisco's ban on government use of facial recognition is just the start, what about private industry? (TR)
A new federal bill would end warantless searches of digital devices at U.S. borders and international airports. (TechDirt)
The World Economic Forum wants to create global rules for the use of AI. (TR)
A new company says it's compiling an international database of everyone ever eighty-sixed from a bar. (Medium)
Tel Aviv University's Cyberweek conference from June 23-27 will cover a host of topics, including the ethics of AI in criminal justice systems, which I'll be speaking on. (Cyberweek)
The National Network to End Domestic Violence is hosting its Technology Summit in San Francisco, July 29-31. (NNEDV)
The Maintainers are putting on a third conference focused on maintenance, infrastructure and repair in Washington D.C., October 6-9. (Maintainers)
ASSETS is calling for papers regarding AI fairness and those with disabilities for a workshop in Pittsburgh on Oct. 27. (ASSETS)
The American Society of Criminology meeting is happening in San Francisco between November 13-16. (ASC)
Jobs & Opportunities
ACLU national is looking for a director of product management. (ACLU)
AI Now Institute is looking for a post-doc researcher and an executive assistant. (AI Now)
Arnold Ventures has a bunch of job openings in their various criminal justice tracks. (Arnold)
ATJ Tech Fellows is looking innovative tech projects from law students that improve access to justice (ATJ)
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has a user experience researcher, operations associate and senior engineer openings in their Justice and Opportunity vertical. (CZI)
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is looking for a criminal litigator. (EFF)
The Future Society is looking for someone to lead their fundraising and development. (TFS)
Georgetown Law Center needs a program manager who focuses on algorithmic fairness and people with disabilities. (GU)
Paladin needs a software engineer and an account manager. (Paladin)
University of California Irvine has a role open for a digital rights fellow at the law school's International Justice Clinic. (UCI)
Uptrust, a court reminder platform, is looking for a front end engineer and tech lead manager. (Uptrust)
Yale Law School is looking for a post-doc research manager that'll focus on social media governance and public trust in legal authorities, including the criminal justice system. (YLS)