JusticeTechDL: warrrant opens up DNA site; mugshot memes + New Jobs
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While genealogy website GEDmatch let people opt in to police searches, a police officer in Florida says he obtained a warrant to search the entire site--terms of service be damned. (NYT)
Police body cams are not the panacea they were promised to be. (Atlantic) (While a good article, it incorrectly implies that Vermont currently shares its DMV databases with federal law enforcement. While the state had shared this data in the past, it currently does not.) In other news, body worn cameras lead police to have fewer citizen interactions. (Springer)
U.S. immigration judges say millions of records have gone missing. (Blmbrg)
Cops are turning mugshots and other photos into memes. (Buzzfeed)
A recent poll showed that Baltimoreans were in favor of a proposed police spy plane, but it turns out the poll had hidden corporate ties and leading questions. (Appeal)
Police in China uncover a stalkerware app used by partners to spy on each other. (Abacus)
A new report submitted to Congress--written by a group led by Eric Schmidt--says the government and tech need to cooperate on AI. (NSCAI)
Here's what life after prison looks like--on YouTube. (NYT)
The American Society of Criminology meeting is happening in San Francisco between November 13-16. (ASC)
The Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency conference will be in Barcelona, Spain Jan. 27-30, 2020. (FAT)
LITCon, which focuses on the use of technology in law and legal education, is going down at Suffolk Law School in Boston, March 30, 2020. (Suffolk)
We Robot 2020 has a call out for proposals. It'll take place at the University of Ottawa, April 2-4, 2020. (UOttawa)
The Institute for Technology Law & Policy at Georgetown reopened its student writing competition, deadline is May 31. (GULC)
The Law and Society Association is accepting submissions for its conference May 28-31, 2020 in Denver. (LSA)
Jobs & Opportunities
ACLU national is looking for a director of product management. (ACLU)
AI Now Institute is looking for editorial and research leads. (AI Now)
Arnold Ventures has a bunch of job openings in their various criminal justice tracks. (Arnold)
Berkeley Law's Technology & Public Policy Clinic is looking for a clinical teaching fellow. (Cal)
Callisto, a sexual assault reporting platform, is looking to fill a number of roles. (Callisto)
The Center for Justice Research at Texas Southern University is looking for a research analyst. (TSU)
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has a senior engineer opening in their Justice and Opportunity vertical. (CZI)
The Harvard Law Library needs a web developer to work on their online legal textbook platform. (HLL)
The Lab at DC is hiring social and data scientists plus an operations analyst. (LDC)
Measures for Justice has five open positions in their research and technology sections. (MfJ)
The Philly District Attorney's Office is looking for researchers, data scientists and programmers. (PDAO)
Recidiviz, a criminal justice data platform, is looking for a product manager. (Recidiviz)
The University of Richmond School of Law has two unique positions, including a director of legal innovation. (UR)
The Stanford Center for Human-centered Artificial Intelligence wants to fill a number of director roles. (HAI)
TechCongress is hiring a deputy director. (TC)
Thorn, a platform fighting child sex trafficking, has a number of positions open for engineers, product managers and sales. (Thorn)
Uptrust, a court reminder platform, is looking for a front end engineer and tech lead manager. (Uptrust)
Upturn, a tech policy outfit in D.C., is hiring for four awesome sounding positions. (Upturn)