The Justice Tech Download: Rapid DNA analysis, bodycam geofencing + new jobs
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Technology that compares DNA samples in about 90 minutes is being rolled out to police departments around the country. Called Rapid DNA testing, the new technology lacks rules of operation and has many worried that an age of mass genetic surveillance is afoot. (NYT)
In what is likely a first of its kind decision in the U.S., an appeals court in Florida ruled that police did not need to turnover facial recognition evidence in a case where facial recognition software was key to the arrest and prosecution of a man in Jacksonville. (Times-Union) Elsewhere, China's military created an AI tool to track people across different CCTV cameras (New Scientist) and Italy launched a nationwide facial recognition system based on 16 million mugshots, raising civil rights questions. (ZDNet) Not just a police thing, schools are getting into AI surveillance too. (Axios)
The Center for Justice Research at Texas Southern University launched a re-entry dashboard, an online portal that connects people in Texas to organizations that can help make reentry easier. (TSU)
A local council in Illinois will consider police body cam geo-fencing, which would automatically turn on police body cams when entering a prescribed area. (ABC)
Advocates in Nigeria are using technology to help redress police misconduct and decrease the number of people waiting in pretrial detention. (TRTWorld)
Marcus Bullock, CEO of Flikshop, a platform that helps keep incarcerated people in contact with friends and family, received a great write up about his transition from prison to the c-suite. (Undefeated)
On Feb. 8 from 8:30am to 4:00pm, the Center for Access to Justice at Georgia State University will host its second annual State of the South conference, which brings together scholars and practitioners discussing how technology is affecting criminal and civil legal issues. I'll be there on a stellar panel of experts and lawyers. You'll need to register. Be quick though, the deadline is approaching. (GSU)
On Feb. 5 & 6, the Hague Institute for Innovation of Law is hosting its Innovating Justice forum in the Netherlands. The event will be an international affair with experts from around the world speaking on technology and process improvements to civil and criminal law. (HiiL)
The Aspen Institute has a new fellowship for tech policy experts. (Aspen)
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative has numerous data science, user design and policy openings in their Justice and Opportunity portfolio. (CZI)
The Lab at D.C. has three postings at the moment, including a data scientist, social scientist and operations analyst. This office does cool work, including the first randomized control trial of a police body cam rollout. (The Lab)
The New York Legal Aid Society has a number of positions open, including with their DNA Unit, Special Litigation Unit and IT. (NYLAS)
PEW is looking for someone to help with their court modernization work. (PEW)
Upturn has a couple full-time research and policy analyst positions, as well as a few fellowships to choose from. (Upturn)