JTDL: Police VR training; new tenant support tools + New jobs
Documents show police virtual reality training. (Vice)
Dangers posed by evidentiary software and what to do about it. (Lawfare)
This Supreme Court guards the First Amendment and neglects the Fourth. (Washington Post)
The National Center for State Courts released an eviction diversion diagnostic tool. (NCSC) TenantHelpNY.org, a new resource for tenants, launched. (ProBonoNet)
North Carolina enacted a law broadening the use of remote hearings. (NC Legislature)
Federal law enforcement agencies should better assess privacy and other risks of facial recognition. (Government Accountability Office) EU data protection authorities call for a ban on facial recognition; gait, fingerprint, DNA, voice, keystroke, and other biometric data should not be logged. (Politico)
There is a new lawsuit over communications between the LAPD and predictive policing company PredPol. (Stop LAPD Spying)
How some states are working to make your rap sheet disappear. (Desert News)
A new book looks at criminal justice surveillance, from policing to incarceration. (Oxford Press)
The Florida Bar released its innovation in legal services report. (FL)
A taxonomy of judicial technological competence. (Cyberjustice Lab)
We should test AI the way the FDA tests medicine. (Harvard Business Review)
Jobs & Opportunities
A2J Tech is looking to fill dev and PM roles. (A2JT)
Ameelio, a prison communications company, needs a dev. (A)
[New] Arnold Ventures is accepting proposals for prosecution research. (AV)
Center for Democracy and Technology has multiple open positions. (CDT) (h/t Alex Givens)
The Day One Project needs a policy director for science and tech. (DOP)
The European Research Council has a research position for someone into legal theory and blockchain. (ERC)
Free Press is looking for a policy counsel. (FP) (h/t Amy Martyn)
Future of Privacy Forum is hiring a law and policy fellow. (FPF)
The Future Society has multiple positions. (FS)
Good Call is looking for an engineer. (GC) (h/t Gabe Leader-Rose)
Hack the Hood needs a director of curriculum and programs. (HtH)
Harvard’s Cyberlaw Clinic needs a new instructor. (HCC)
The Harvard Law Library’s Innovation Lab needs summer RAs. (HLL)
[New] JustFix is hiring a UX/UI designer. (JF) (h/t Pinky Chan)
Just Tech has numerous openings. (JT) (h/t Legal Tech Jobs)
Justice Connect in Australia has multiple roles open. (JC)
The Law Society of Ontario needs a policy person for its regulatory sandbox. (LSO) (h/t Keith Porcaro)
The Legal Services Corporation is hiring for a chief data officer. (LSC) (h/t Dan Bernstein)
Measures for Justice has multiple positions open. (M4J)
Northeastern University’s Center for Law, Innovation, and Creativity needs a managing director. (NU) (h/t Keith Porcaro)
Paladin is looking for a product designer. (P)
The Partnership on AI is hiring for multiple positions. (PAI) (h/t Eleni Manis)
PEW needs a principal associate for its civil legal system modernization work. (PEW) (h/t Erika Rickard)
The Philly District Attorney's Office is looking to fill a number of roles, including for a data engineer. (PDAO)
ProBonoNet needs a product manager. (PBN)
Recidiviz is looking for a security engineer. (R) (h/t Evan Green-Lowe)
Schmidt Futures needs a technical fellow. (SF)
SimpleCitizen, an immigration tech company, has engineering, product and sales roles. (SC) (h/t Eleni Manis)
The Sixth Amendment Center is looking for a data-savvy research associate and law school externs. (6AC) (h/t Silas Horst)
[New] The Texas Indigent Defense Commission needs a research director, among other roles. (TIDC)
Theory and Principle, a legal software development boutique, needs a dev. (T&P)
University of Michigan is hiring profs focused on racial justice and tech. (UM)
Upsolve, the bankruptcy platform, is hiring for multiple roles. (Up)
Village Capital needs a managing director of its impact investing. (VC)